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行为准则 和 金融专业人员道德准则

Our integrity 和 reputation depend on our ability to do the right thing, 即使这不是件容易的事


The 行为准则 is a collection of rules 和 principles intended to assist employees 和 directors in making decisions about their conduct in relation to the firm’s business. The Code is based on the fundamental underst和ing that we are all responsible for conducting business ethically 和 in compliance with the law everywhere we operate. No one should ever sacrifice integrity — or give the impression that they have — even if they think it would help the firm’s business. 访问12bet官方 行为准则.


The purpose of the 金融专业人员道德准则 is to promote honest 和 ethical conduct, 以及遵守法律, particularly as related to the maintenance of 12bet官方 & Co.’s financial books 和 records 和 the preparation of External Financial Reporting. Noncompliance with applicable ethics laws 和 regulations can result in significant legal 和 regulatory exposure to the firm, 以及造成严重的声誉损害.

The obligations outlined by this Code of 道德 are a supplement to, 和 do not replace employee responsibilities 和 obligations listed in the firm's 行为准则 . Adherence to this Code of 道德 is a term 和 condition of employment for Finance Officers 和 Professionals. The firm will take all necessary actions to enforce it, up to 和 including immediate dismissal. 

The Code of 道德 applies to the conduct 和 reporting requirements of the Chief Executive Officer, 主席, Chief Financial Officer 和 Principal Accounting Officer of the firm (Finance Officers) 和 to all other professionals of the firm worldwide serving in a finance, 会计, 财政部, tax or investor relations role (Finance Professionals).


Finance Officers 和 Finance Professionals must act honestly, 提倡道德操守, 遵守法律, particularly as related to the maintenance of the firm's financial books 和 records 和 the preparation of External Financial Reporting, 包括你.S. Securities 和 Exchange Commission filings 和 other regulatory submissions. 特别要求他们:

  • 诚实履行职责, 诚信为本, 由于护理, 能力与勤奋.
  • Never misrepresent or withhold material facts or allow their independent judgment to be compromised.
  • Avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest in personal 和 professional relationships.
  • 遵守适用的政府法律, 联邦的规章制度, state 和 local governments 和 other appropriate regulatory agencies.
  • 从不做, 直接或间接, 任何强制行动, 操作, mislead or 欺诈ulently influence the firm's independent auditors in the performance of their audit or review of the firm's External Financial Reporting.
  • 协助完成生产, 准确的, timely 和 underst和able External Financial Reporting 和 in other public communications made by the firm.
  • Take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to the firm 和 its clients.




  • Address actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal 和 professional relationships by disclosing to their manager 和 appropriate 法律, 人力资源, or Compliance Officer (where permitted by law) any material transaction or relationship that reasonably could be expected to give rise to such a conflict, including but not limited to those with firm customers, 供应商, 商业伙伴, 以及与他们一起工作或支持的员工, 和
  • 及时报告(匿名), where permitted by law) any potential or actual violation of the Code of 道德 or any other matters that may compromise the integrity of the firm’s External Financial Reporting

报告 may be made to the JPMC Conduct Hotline or in any of the ways set forth in the 行为准则 (see below).

The reporting requirements do not prevent employees from reporting to the government or regulators conduct that the employee believes to be in violation of law, 和 it does not require employees to notify the firm prior to reporting to the government or regulators.

The firm strictly prohibits intimidation or retaliation against anyone who makes a good faith report about a potential  or actual violation of the Code of 道德, or of any law or regulation governing the firm’s business. The firm also strictly prohibits any intimidation or retaliation against anyone who assists with an inquiry or investigation of any such violation.


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Calling the toll-free JPMC Conduct Hotline is the easiest way to make a report. You will speak with a trained interviewer (who is not a firm employee). 提供翻译服务. The Hotline 和 online resources are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


